Monday, May 10, 2010

2 weeks!

I still can't believe I'm heading to South Carolina for the summer! Today I went to the store to buy some things I'll need for the summer. When I got back home I knew that I wouldn't wear the clothes so I put them aside in the...da da dum...packing section of my room!! It has officially started! I am starting to pack! It won't get too serious until next week, but I still have to start at some point! I'm really excited to pack, I love packing! When Nate was leaving for Australia I helped him pack (he HATES packing). I had so much fun doing that, that we decided that I'll Skype with him when he starts packing to head home to the US (not until December, but we plan ahead:). I just have to say that Skype is AMAZING! Whoever invented the idea of videoing people for free from anywhere in the world should be given LOTS of chocolate! I will be able to see my family during this summer, as well as friends (hint, hint, get Skype so I can say hi:). Hopefully I will be close to a wireless place in the building I'm living in so I will be able to talk from my room, otherwise I might have to Skype by the offices:/ Caribou is also a lovely place, but I don't think SC would sell much hot coffee!
It turned into a rainy day as I headed to work this evening. I was thinking about how much I love rain, the smell, the drops on my head, the splash of water as you walk through the puddles, the cleanliness of the ground when it stops. It was still raining when I left work and there were only a few cars on the road, it just felt like there were no problems, no worries, you could take your time getting anywhere. I don't know exactly where I'm going with this, but the peace that I felt as I was driving home listening to piano music playing in the car as the rain came down and the windshield wipers going back and forth, back and forth-it was so good. It's crazy how God uses the littlest things like rain to relax us. Other times it's music, or a book, or just His creation. That's one thing I'm really excited about learning this summer. Worshiping His Creation in another state! I'm so used to evergreens, lakes, etc. South Carolina I don't really know what to expect except beaches and palm trees:) Who knows what the Lord will show me this summer! I can't wait to get will be an amazing summer!

God bless!

1 comment:

  1. You are going to have so much fun!! I spent two summers during my college years on missions trips--with out the benefit of the social networking online that we have today, hint hint. When I was packing for one of my trips (while dating Mitch), I turned on a tape recorder and recorded myself talking about what I was packing and sent it to Mitch in the mail, LOL. ;) The trips were awesome and sooooo rewarding. We have skype, Patrick uses it to keep in touch with his family in Germany. You can find us by "mitchtheis" or just searching for Mitch Theis.
