Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Just a quick update before I shut the lights off! I got here with the rest of my group all safe and sound! We made GREAT time, and actually we were here an hour and half early! We had some lunch, saw the ocean, got a little burnt (not too much because it was cloudy), then went to check-in! It still hasn't sunk in that I'm here for the summer! It seems like it's a 2 week camp and we'll be here and then we'll leave...but it's for 10 weeks! Man, I'm going to know everyone's name and a lot about them by the end of those 10 weeks! I'm all unpacked (whew!). My building/room is right by the office so my roommates and I can get wi-fi:) Which will be really good for Skyping! We had a scavenger hunt tonight as kind of an ice breaker, we had 6 teams of 14-16 people. We ran all over town unscrambling the hints and having to find the places. At each place we were able to hear about the smaller ministries inside the North Myrtle Beach Ministry. Such as worship, techie stuff, evangelism, prayer, planning, creating...etc. It was a great way to get to know the town, the staff, the heart of NMB, and to get to know your team better. My team got 2nd place (after 45 minutes of looking for the last spot). I got to hear everyone's name tonight...forgive me if I forget, even after 3 weeks! :)
Please be praying as I enter into's the start of my crazy new schedule! I'm busy from 7:30am-9pm (i'm running in the morning). We have a lot of orientation and information and other necessary things going on tomorrow. I'm really excited to get to know more people! I will hopefully be able to put up a longer blog on Sunday!

God Bless

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Packing Day :/

UGH! I usually like to pack, but not this time! Packing for a whole summer with limited space is not cool! :) There's less than 3 days until I leave, and I feel like I'm no where near ready for it. I have almost everything packed, except my backpack and the things that I'm still needing for the weekend. It's insane. My room is completely trashed, full of plastic bags from my many runs to stores to get things. I got a new backpack, for my laptop! It has many zippers and pockets (YES). I still have to figure out how everything will fit in my car! It might be pretty tight once we stop in Ohio to pick up the last person! I've been more stressed than usual during the packing day. I know I brought too much stuff, but I have no idea what I will end up wearing this summer, so I just left it all in:) I still have to fit in two towels, bleh.
I'm really excited though to head out there! It will be so good, after all this waiting, to actually BE there! I can't wait to meet everyone on the team, the staff, etc. I'm also looking forward to meeting the new people we'll be picking up on the way out! I hope that I will start building close relationships with those girls. It will be a loooooooong trip, but hope that it will be filled with lasting memories!
Some things you could be praying for, for me and for others on the team:
-Joe, right now he is stuck in Kansas with his family, the van broke down (it's the weekend) and he doesn't know if he'll make it back in time to drive out with us.
-the rest of the people who are still looking for rides, we want EVERYONE there!
-for the drive, that all the pick-up times will work well, and everything will go smoothly
-me, I've had a crazy week (and I didn't work at one of my jobs!) and right now I'm pretty exhausted, physically and emotionally. I do not want to go into the summer this way.
-packing, that I will get everything put in and take out whatever I won't need!
-Nate and I as we go through changes with my new schedule and ministry, that our relationship will grow stronger and deeper
This is where I will be in 4 days!!! AHHHH!! :D

God Bless

Saturday, May 15, 2010

11 days

I'm sitting here in bed thinking how I only have a little over a week to enjoy this bed before I head off to NMB. I actually have a king-sized bed:) Mom and Dad had a water-bed, but when we moved to the house it didn't fit in their bedroom - which meant I got it! So it will take a little getting used to if I have a smaller bed or if I end up sharing a bed with another girl! Anyway, last night I said good-bye to some of my co-workers. In particular the salad guy Kevin. He doesn't work Saturday's (my last night) so I said good-bye to him. Last summer on a boring night, or after a really busy night he would take a strawberry, cut the top off and put chocolate inside and then top it off with a ton of whip cream! So we had a toast of chocolate strawberry's. I'll have to hopefully do that a couple times this summer with the project people! It is definitely weird knowing that I'm going to be gone from the place I've worked at for 3 years! I'm excited though to find a job for this summer! I don't know if it will be a restaurant job, but I would love to do something fun that I could never do up here in St. Cloud!
So my packing pile is getting bigger! I now have 3 piles: 1. clothing (it will have to move to a bigger area shortly:) 2. bathroom stuff 3. Music/Misc. I realized that I'm going to have to do some major thinking on what I want to bring! I was thinking one suitcase, a small duffel bag and a backpack for the car ride. WELL...I forgot about the guitar, camera, and laptop! :/ I think the small duffel bag will end up holding my camera and music stuff. Here I thought I would be a pretty light packer...not going to happen! It's so hard packing light, knowing that your going to be gone for the summer! What stuff can I live without? What stuff could I just get at the Walmart or Target in NMB? The biggest thing about packing, at least clothes wise, is what warm clothes should I bring with? There's bound to be a couple cool days that I'd want to wear pants instead of shorts. We have 2 drawers and a foot of closet space for each of us so I can't bring too much bulky clothing! I've told many people I want to start packing right now! I'm waiting until after my birthday (the 17th) to allow myself that privilege. lol
This week I got something very exciting done! Our schedule for driving out to NMB. Aaron (the driver of the other vehicle) and I were at Caribou for about an hour. We had to figure out where we were going to pick up the other people and at what times. We also figured out who all was driving with us, something I'm very excited about! So we get to leave Tuesday the 25th at 5 in the morning! *gasp* We will be driving all the way through to NMB. We left enough leeway to give us some extra time to take some fun pictures at the state signs or whatever else we'd like:) If everything goes according to plan, we will be arriving in NMB around 11am on the 26th. As Aaron and I were planning this, I was thinking of all the things that could go wrong on the trip. Then I remembered something someone told me a few months ago when she went on a trip. "You usually pray before trips that nothing will go wrong, everyone will stay safe, we'll get there when we need to, etc. BUT do we ever pray "Lord do what you will." ? We are not in control! Yes, we can still pray that He will keep us safe, but everything shall be for His glory so why not ask Him to do what He will?" I just have been thinking about that a lot. This summer I have given over to the Lord, I'm realizing everyday that I have to give my summer to Him day-by-day, it's a daily thing. So if I give Him my summer, this driving to NMB is a part of my summer! Who knows what will happen on this trip! I would rather have everything work out perfectly, but I have to be open to challenges. :) It's scary, but invigorating at the same time!

God Bless

Monday, May 10, 2010

2 weeks!

I still can't believe I'm heading to South Carolina for the summer! Today I went to the store to buy some things I'll need for the summer. When I got back home I knew that I wouldn't wear the clothes so I put them aside in the...da da dum...packing section of my room!! It has officially started! I am starting to pack! It won't get too serious until next week, but I still have to start at some point! I'm really excited to pack, I love packing! When Nate was leaving for Australia I helped him pack (he HATES packing). I had so much fun doing that, that we decided that I'll Skype with him when he starts packing to head home to the US (not until December, but we plan ahead:). I just have to say that Skype is AMAZING! Whoever invented the idea of videoing people for free from anywhere in the world should be given LOTS of chocolate! I will be able to see my family during this summer, as well as friends (hint, hint, get Skype so I can say hi:). Hopefully I will be close to a wireless place in the building I'm living in so I will be able to talk from my room, otherwise I might have to Skype by the offices:/ Caribou is also a lovely place, but I don't think SC would sell much hot coffee!
It turned into a rainy day as I headed to work this evening. I was thinking about how much I love rain, the smell, the drops on my head, the splash of water as you walk through the puddles, the cleanliness of the ground when it stops. It was still raining when I left work and there were only a few cars on the road, it just felt like there were no problems, no worries, you could take your time getting anywhere. I don't know exactly where I'm going with this, but the peace that I felt as I was driving home listening to piano music playing in the car as the rain came down and the windshield wipers going back and forth, back and forth-it was so good. It's crazy how God uses the littlest things like rain to relax us. Other times it's music, or a book, or just His creation. That's one thing I'm really excited about learning this summer. Worshiping His Creation in another state! I'm so used to evergreens, lakes, etc. South Carolina I don't really know what to expect except beaches and palm trees:) Who knows what the Lord will show me this summer! I can't wait to get will be an amazing summer!

God bless!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

20 days

And so the countdown begins...20 days until my life will be changed. 20 days until I will be challenged in ways I didn't know I could be. 20 days until I meet 94 other students wanting the same thing I want:to bring others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. 20 days until I find out what a summer fully surrendered to God is like. 20 days until I start to understand what ministry looks like (part time at least). 20 days until I start my summer in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! In 20 days my life will change.
I am now fully supported financially! Praise God! Now what I need the most is PRAYER. I can't go to NMB without prayer support! So here are a few new things I need prayer for:
1. Job. I am going to go there and have to find a job. I have no idea what kind of job I'd like. So pray that I will have direction and that I will be content wherever the Lord leads me to work.
2. Packing. I will start packing next week or so. Pray that I won't bring too much stuff! We have limited space. I am a light packer, but it's for the whole summer so I know that it will be tough
3. Driving. I will be driving with some other people from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Ohio. Pray that our drive will be safe. That the Lord will get us there how He wants us to.
4. Family. Pray that my family will get adjusted to me not being able to talk to them or see them very much. Pray that I won't worry about Sophina or other family matters.
5. Nate and I. Pray that satan will be bound as we both will be heavily involved in ministry. Pray that we will be able to have quality time together as much as possible. Pray that we will make right decisions. Pray that we will continue to grow closer together through this new challenge.
6. Me. Pray that I will make time every day to get into the Word and in prayer. Pray that I will listen to what the Lord is saying to me. Pray that God will continually deepen my commitment for the cause of Jesus Christ.

I think that's it...well actually I could go on for a long time, but thought this was a good start:) Thank you to you all who are praying for me and supporting me in that way and more! I love you all!

God Bless